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fish seafood with histamine

A Fast and Cheap Sensor for Checking Fish Rottenness

Researchers from Iowa State University have developed a new sensor that can detect if fish is rotten. This sensor determines is fish is rotten by checking for a for a molecule called histamine in the fish. Histamine is produced in seafood that has not been properly stored and refrigerated. Consumption of seafood with high histamine levels can lead to food poisoning.

Electroceutical face mask that kill coronavirus

An Electric Face Mask that kills Coronavirus

This face mask works by generating very weak electric voltages. The researchers showed that such weak electric voltages can confuse and kill the COVID-19 viruses, slowing the growth and destroying the infectivity of the virus on the face mask.

elephant in the room

Let’s Talk About the Elephant In Your Room: The Air You Breathe In.

Most of the time, we are not aware that there are harmful pollutants in the air that we breathe in. Pollutants get into our home through intentional and unintentional means. That new car smell or that new house smell may not be as innocent as you think. Therefore, to avoid exposing yourself to bad air in your home or office that may cause you both short-term and long-term health problems, you need a good indoor air quality monitor that can alert you of dangerous levels of pollutants in your indoor air.

blood glucose monitor

The Best Blood Glucose Monitors for Managing Diabetes​

Monitoring your glucose will help you easily know what food or activities affect your glucose level and how effective is your medication(if you are taking one to manage your diabetes) in controlling your glucose level. This information will help you to optimize your lifestyle, your exercise regimen, and your insulin therapy to ensure your glucose level is under your control. Here, I provide you a deep-dive explanation on how you can use a blood glucose monitor (glucometers) to manage your diabetes, and I discuss which glucose monitors are very accurate in measuring blood glucose levels.